Medical marijuana advocates protest proposed changes to Michigan law

LANSING, MI — Medical marijuana advocates gathered at the Capitol on Tuesday to protest proposed changes to Michigan’s medical marijuana law.
Lawmakers are considering a package of bills that supporters say would clarify issues that have arisen since the act was approved by voters more than three years ago.
medicalmarijuana5.JPGBut protestors contend the legislationinfringe on patient rights. More than 150 people attended the event at the Capitol on Tuesday.
“I oppose these bills,” said Joe Cain, of the Michigan Medical Marijuana Association. “I oppose every one of them because they hurt sick people.”
The package of four bills were reported out of committee to the full House last month.
HB 4834 would require a photograph for medical marijuana patient registration cards, extend the expiration from one to two years, and would allow law enforcement officers or officials to access medical marijuana patient information. The bill also calls for the state to contract with a private company to help process and issue registration cards in order to expedite the process.
HB 4851 attempts to clarify the definition of “bona fide physician-patient relationship,” which is required for medical marijuana cardholders. HB 4853 lays out sentencing guidelines and HB 4856regulates the transportation of medical marijuana in cars.
Amy Gasaway, 52, of Macatawa, doesn’t want law enforcement officers to have access to her medical records.
“Even though we have our law, the movement isn’t done, because … we’re being bullied by our lawmakers,” she said.
Michigan State Police Sgt. Dwayne Gill in March testified that officers just need to know whether someone is on the medical marijuana registry; they don’t need to know the exact condition or doctor information.
Other protestors are concerned about the state defining a “bona fide physician-patient relationship.”
Mary Robbins, 52, of Jackson, said her doctor is “terrified” to recommend medical marijuana for her back pain and other ailments, and that the new law wouldn’t help.
“The patients should control their own lives and their own medication,” she said.
The bill’s supporters say it would help ensure that non-qualified patients are unable to get medical marijuana cards.
During a committee hearing last month, Rep. Ken Horn, R-Frankenmuth, referenced a Macomb County case where a doctor allegedly issued hundreds of medical marijuana certifications that were then sold from the back of an appliance store.
Email Melissa Anders at Follow her on Twitter: @MelissaDAnders.


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