Are medical marijuana restrictions justified? Jackson City Council considers issue

JACKSON, MI -- Medical marijuana always seems to evoke strong opinions.

A proposed medical marijuana ordinance going before the Jackson City Council Tuesday night is doing just that.

The ordinance would eliminate medical marijuana dispensaries, which provide marijuana. 

Some, such as CitizenXGen, said that doesn't make sense:

Imagine if your pharmacist told you you have to manufacture your own medication? You have to be a chemist, buy the expensive equipment, laboratory machines, etc. In this case, the patients would be, in theory, forced to buy lights, timers, aeration equipment, soils, fertilizers, clones, seeds, air conditioners, etc…all costing thousands of dollars not to mention the electricity bills.

DrugRaider said abuse of Michigan's medical marijuana law makes the ordinance necessary:

I support this ordinance to ban these dispensaries! They are all a joke and dispense medical marijuana cards to people that 1) don't even see a doctor and 2) people that don't have real medical conditions. I know this for a fact because my 18 year old child has obtained a card and I can gaurantee you he has no medical issues that would require this card! 

deidzoeb said the pros of medical marijuana outweigh the cons:

This is so simple. The benefit of people who can be helped by marijuana for legit medical purposes drastically outweighs the potential harm of people using pot for recreational purposes. If the city council wants to clamp down on something harmful, try alcohol. Do a search of Mlive for "pot" or "marijuana" to find how many people have died in this area in the last 24 hours from toking and driving. Then search "alcohol". Yesterday must have been a good day -- you have to look as far away as Plainwell north of Kzoo to find someone dying in a crash with alcohol as a suspected contributing factor. This is not rocket science.

What do you think? Should the Jackson City Council place restrictions on medical marijuana to prevent abuse? Or would such action be an unnecessary burden for medical marijuana patients?


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